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Our Certifications

Driving Economic Growth and Sustainability

We proudly received the ARAMCO IIKTVA certificate, validating our commitment to innovation, localization, and sustainable practices. It highlights our role in driving supply-chain efficiency, supporting local businesses, and contributing to a diverse energy sector in the Kingdom.

  • AL Dana's commitment to the IKTVA program strengthens the local economy by supporting domestic businesses.
  • Through strategic partnerships, AL Dana drives innovation, enhances competitiveness, and fosters sustainable growth.
  • AL Dana's participation in the IKTVA program demonstrates its dedication to creating a thriving and self-sufficient energy sector.

Excellence Recognized

ISO certification is a testament to our commitment to excellence and adherence to international standards.

ISO certification validates our dedication to delivering high-quality products and services that meet global best practices, ensuring customer satisfaction and market acceptance. The certification enables us to continuously improve our operations, enhance efficiency, and strengthen our position as a trusted and reliable partner in the industry. Al Dana International Company is one of the companies working in the field of transportation.

ISO Certified Company

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